Antibufala: l’annuncio di positivi nei supermercati circola anche in Svizzera
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Da alcuni giorni mi arrivano segnalazioni di messaggi vocali, diffusi su WhatsApp e altri sistemi di messaggistica, che descrivono con indignazione una situazione di negligenza sanitaria diffusa e inquietante.
“Sai cosa mi ha raccontato mia mamma? Una che conosce è andata all’IKEA di Grancia e ha visto un suo collega che doveva essere a casa in isolamento perché positivo al Covid… le sono girati i c***ioni ed è andata in cassa ad avvisare che nel centro commerciale c’era in giro un positivo che lei conosceva. Alla cassa hanno fatto l’annuncio, dicendo che sapevano che c’era un positivo e che questa persona doveva presentarsi subito al centro informazioni, altrimenti ne avrebbero annunciato nome e cognome con gli altoparlanti e avrebbero avvisato le autorità. E così al centro informazioni si sono presentati in sette!”
Ho alterato varie parole rispetto all’originale, mantenendo però intatto il senso, e ho fatto rileggere il messaggio vocale a una voce sintetica per proteggere l’identità della persona che l’ha diffuso. E soprattutto vi ho risparmiato la pioggia di parole colorite rivolte alle sette persone che, secondo questo messaggio, si sono presentate al centro informazioni ammettendo la propria colpa.
La cosa strana è che circolano varie versioni di questo allarme, nelle quali cambia il luogo del misfatto (non solo Svizzera, ma anche Italia, Olanda, Austria) e cambia l’identità della persona che riconosce il positivo: a volte, per esempio, è un medico che riconosce un paziente, ma non può segnalarlo direttamente agli addetti del centro commerciale perché violerebbe la riservatezza del rapporto medico-paziente. Anche il numero dei positivi che confessano la propria violazione della regole è variabile: a volte sono cinque o otto o addirittura tredici. In alcuni casi l’annuncio fatto tramite gli altoparlanti causa un vero e proprio fuggi fuggi generale. E spesso l’allarme è stato pubblicato dai giornali, dandogli credibilità e ulteriore diffusione.
Ma la falsariga è sempre la stessa: qualcuno dice di aver saputo che qualcun altro ha riconosciuto una persona positiva al Covid in un centro commerciale e l’ha segnalata ai gestori del centro, che hanno fatto un annuncio pubblico che ha fatto emergere anche altre persone positive che si aggiravano nel centro commerciale, con conseguente scandalo e indignazione di chi racconta la notizia e con altrettanto conseguente inoltro del messaggio vocale a tutti i propri conoscenti.
Niente panico: questi messaggi non sono la dimostrazione di un comportamento diffuso e preoccupante. Sono invece un esempio classico di leggenda metropolitana: una storia non vera che nasce chissà dove e viene diffusa dal passaparola, facilitato dai social network, perché fa leva su una paura condivisa e sul gusto del racconto con finale grottesco.
Infatti in tutti i casi nei quali le autorità hanno effettuato controlli, l’allarme è risultato infondato e i direttori dei supermercati coinvolti lo hanno smentito espressamente, come raccontano con ampia documentazione l’esperta di leggende metropolitane Sofia Lincos sul sito del Centro per la raccolta delle voci e leggende contemporanee, (anche qui), e i siti, Bufale un tanto al chilo ( e Il Post. È vero che ci sono stati alcuni episodi di persone positive realmente sorprese in giro (per esempio ad Assisi), ma come dice Sofia Lincos,
…negli episodi reali manca […] la conclusione grottesca della scena, ossia il tratto tipico della nostra leggenda metropolitana. Una leggenda che […] gioca sull’indignazione per il cattivo comportamento, ma anche sul senso di giustizia (i “colpevoli” vengono scoperti e puniti) e, forse ancor di più, sul finale paradossale, da commedia.
Un altro elemento che distingue la leggenda metropolitana dalla notizia reale è che la fonte della vicenda è un amico di un conoscente che ha sentito raccontare la vicenda da un parente, insomma mai una fonte diretta e autorevole.
Se ricevete messaggi vocali di questo genere, non mandateli in giro: creano inutilmente indignazione, apprensione e allarme senza motivo. E le conseguenze possono essere pesanti: segnala che chi ha diffuso questi allarmi è stato travolto da “decine di telefonate da parte di amici e conoscenti che gli chiedevano se fosse vero e se andare a fare la spesa fosse sicuro” con il risultato che “la sua vita era diventata un inferno”.
Start the year strong with Google Marketing Platform
As 2022 kicks off, it’s a good time to review your digital marketing strategy and ensure you’re ready for the year ahead. Here are five ways Google Marketing Platform can help you better understand your customers and get stronger marketing results.
Get insights while respecting user consent choices
Close data gaps with conversion modeling
Invest in your analytics foundation
Deliver consistent experiences across channels
Get creative with interactive ads
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Celebrating a decade of partnering with Technovation
In 2006, engineering grad student Tara Chklovski looked around at her classroom and realized how few women and people of color were in the room. Determined to change that, Tara launched Technovation, and this year, Google is celebrating over a decade of support.
In 2010, we brought the first group of 45 girls to Google’s Mountain View cafe to learn from Google mentors how to build and bring apps to market through Technovation Girls, a program that prepares girls for tech entrepreneurship and leadership.
The first Technovation Challenge season was conducted in-person, with Google mentors helping the group to learn how to build apps using MIT App Inventor. In the decade since, Google has continued to support Technovation, both through groups of dedicated volunteers, as well as through funding. In 2017, Google hosted Technovation’s World Summit, and along the way has helped Technovation reach 350,000 people across 100 countries. The collaboration also allowed Technovation’s AI education program to empower 20,000 children and parents to identify problems in their communities and develop AI-based solutions.
Through, we support organizations using technology and innovation to help more students, particularly those who have been historically underserved, get a better education. Since 2013, we’ve given more than $80 million to organizations around the globe focused on closing the computer science education access gap. And we recently shared resources to help nonprofits like Technovation that are working to close the gender gap in CS education.
To date, Google’s investment in Technovation programming totals nearly $2 million, and more than 50 Technovation alumni have worked at Google campuses around the world. Those alumnae include women like Padmapriya in India, Dalia in Palestine, Jenny and Emma in the United States, and Adelina in Moldova, who graciously agreed to share their stories about participating in Technovation.
The current Technovation Girls season is now open—if you know a girl who’s ready to change the world, let her know about Technovation and encourage her to sign up. And if you want to support girls taking their first steps as technology creators and entrepreneurs, learn more about participating as a mentor or a judge. There are thousands of girls like Padmapriya, Dalia, Adelina, Emma, and Jenny who are just getting started and could use your encouragement!
5 Timely B2B Marketing Tips I’ve Learned From 15 Years As A Remote Worker
With hybrid and remote work here to stay and digital-first marketing on the rise, how can B2B marketers make the most of these important shifts?
Although I’ve written about remote work before, in pieces including “Remote Communication Opportunities For B2B Marketers,” “Day 4,777: Remote Work Tips From 13+ Years As A Distance Marketer,” and “Hybrid & Remote Work Trends That Will Alter The Future Of B2B Marketing,” the permanent changes to where and how we work have significant implications that will affect B2B marketers forever, so it’s time to reassess.
Let’s take a close look at five ways B2B marketers can make the most from remote and hybrid work and digital-first brand interactions, from the perspective of someone who’s been working entirely remotely for 15 years, and from several top voices on the future of work.
1 — Adjust To The Permanent Shift In How We Work
As I enter my thirty-eighth year working online, I’ve worked remotely for 5,409 days, and spent close to 40 percent of my career as a remote worker.
What’s changed for us all since the pandemic has reminded me of the shifts in how we communicate that I saw when I first began operating a computer bulletin board system (BBS) on a Commodore 64 computer and a 300-baud modem.
Back in 1984, relatively few people owned a home computer — and even fewer also knew what a modem or online communications were. The personal computer revolution that began in the 1970s took off like wildfire in the 1980s. Online communication was a bit slower to evolve into the mainstream, however it surely did, especially once Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented and activated his World Wide Web technology, as I explored in “Classic Marketing Insights to Celebrate the Internet’s 50th Birthday.”
Just as there was frustration, backlash, and confusion back then adjusting to interacting online, so too has the pandemic’s forced shift to remote and hybrid work caused global upheaval and uncertainty.
2 — Make Digital-First The New Norm
Remote and hybrid workers have not only had to adjust to the significant changes in where they work, but they’re also facing the fact of ever-more digital interactions when it comes to B2B marketing.
For better or worse, the world has become a digital-first environment for most of us, which means that B2B marketers are looking to make the most of every social media, email, and mobile messaging interaction with their audiences.
Each generation of B2B marketers, as well as their clients and the customers of their brands, will have had the advantage of coming of age with greater technological opportunities and ever-greater digital immersion. Our own senior content marketing manager Joshua Nite recently took a look at “Who Is the New B2B Buyer and How Do You Connect with Them?” — an article that offers five helpful ways to better understand and connect with the Millennials and Gen Zs entering the B2B workforce.
[bctt tweet=”“If someone can interact with the brand across multiple channels with a single seamless experience, they are more likely to choose your brand at decision-making time.” — Joshua Nite @NiteWrites” username=”toprank”]3 — Elevate With Handy Remote & Hybrid Work Tips
Here are some of the tips I’ve gathered from 15 years as a remote worker, in no particular order.
- Use Powerful & Abundant Remote Collaboration Tools. Powerful online collaboration platforms such as those offered by Slack, our client, and many others provide the type of robust remote communication that has seen dramatically-increased use since the pandemic began.
- Create your own physical workspace. Whether it’s a dedicated room in your home where you’ll be doing the bulk of your work, a co-working space in another location, or a full-on private spot in an office building as I’ve chosen, having a physical place that you can leave at the end of the workday is an ideal way to separate your personal and professional life.
- Build a regular schedule into your remote workday — one that pulls some of the best elements from your previous office location — in order to bring a similar sense of organization to your remote work.
- Learn to savor the advantages of working remotely, especially those from working at home. Especially if your remote work situation isn’t a permanent one, take time to appreciate the little things that working remotely provides, whether it’s eating lunch with your partner or children, listening to music as loud as you want to, taking a lunchtime walk in a new area, or enjoying extra time saved from not having a lengthy work commute.
- Minimize distractions as much as possible, so that you can use remote work to find newfound focus on your projects. If working from home, let the people in your home know when you’ll be working, and encourage them to connect with you only during set times such as over lunch or breaks.
- If your remote work situation is more long-term, learn to make your laptop your office. If you have freedom in the locations you work from, expand your work world to include working in different spots in your city, state, country, or even internationally. A second external monitor can also be very helpful for many remote marketers, and some also will use high-definition TVs as a second or third laptop monitor.
- Implement Remote-Friendly Tech Gadgets. As with a traditional business office, remote workers should set up the technology hardware necessary for doing your best work, whether it’s a second, third, or fourth monitor, a WiFi signal extender, or Zoom-friendly cameras, microphones, and ring lights.
- Get Closer To Your Projects Than Ever Through Remote Work. A properly set up remote work environment can provide a positive and distraction-free place to focus intensely on your projects, and research continues to emerge showing that this is a very real advantage of working outside of a traditional office environment.
4 — Excel With Always-On Digital Engagement
Going hand-in-hand with digital-first marketing is another shift B2B marketers have seen — the growing popularity of always-on marketing, which allows brands to be everywhere their audiences are anytime.
In a digital world that’s never all sleeping at once, brands have turned to always-on marketing programs to never miss an opportunity to answer the questions their customers are asking, whether it’s in the form of social media monitoring and interaction, artificial intelligence (AI)-infused chatbots, the rising realm of so-called metaverse content, or more traditional methods.
You can learn more about how always-on digital engagement can play a key role in your B2B marketing efforts in the following articles we’ve published:
- How to Elevate Post Pandemic B2B Marketing with Always-On Influence
- Inside Influence 2: Garnor Morantes from LinkedIn on the Power of Always-On Influence
- How To Move From A Pilot B2B Influencer Marketing Program to Always-On Success
5 — Prepare For The Future of Marketing Work
What will hybrid and remote work look like in ten years, 100 years, or a millennium from 2022?
While there’s no way to predict with certainty, there are some technologies that will form the framework of what lies on the far distance horizon, including:
- Ever-faster computing power
- Ever-greater information storage capabilities
- Ever-speedier transfer of data between devices
- Ever-smarter computer programs and derivative algorithms
B2B marketers that are mindful of these digital backbone elements in their efforts, and who take the time to look ahead and carefully examine how to best incorporate advances in each of these areas, are likely to be the ones that will see the greatest long-term success.
One subject matter expert on the future of remote and hybrid work is Liam McIvor Martin, co-founder of Time Doctor and Our own senior content marketing manager Nick Nelson spoke with Liam about the future of work, in “Break Free B2B Marketing: Liam McIvor Martin of Time Doctor on The Revolutionary Power of Remote Work.”
[bctt tweet=”“It’s a very interesting time for the history of work, not even just the history of remote work. I think fundamentally work is going to change, and it’s never going back to the way it was before.” — Liam McIvor Martin @liamremote” username=”toprank”]Caffeinate Your 2022 B2B Marketing Efforts
Excelling in B2B marketing given all these changes can be a daunting proposition. However, if we adjust to the permanent shifts in how we work, make digital-first our new norm, implement our remote and hybrid work tips, and elevate with always-on digital engagement, we’ll be well-prepared for the future of marketing work, hot coffee or not.
We hope you’ve found our look at timely marketing tips for remote and hybrid work helpful, and that you’ll incorporate some of the suggestions we’ve explored into your own 2022 B2B marketing efforts.
No matter how well you’re able to caffeinate and create digital content in 2022, crafting award-winning B2B marketing takes considerable time and effort, which is why an increasing number of firms are choosing to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help, as we’ve done for over 20 years for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and others.
The post 5 Timely B2B Marketing Tips I’ve Learned From 15 Years As A Remote Worker appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog – TopRank®.
ANSA scrive che i minori in terapia intensiva per Covid in Italia “sono 268“. Dimentica di dire che è il totale da inizio pandemia
Ieri ANSA ha
ANSA ha anche pubblicato un
Successivamente ANSA ha creato un redirect per cui chi clicca sul link all’articolo originale viene portato a un testo nuovo e privo di quell’errore. Non viene indicata alcuna rettifica. Al momento in cui scrivo queste righe, il tweet ingannevole di ANSA è ancora online.
Sempre ieri (11/1/22), Bruno Vespa a Porta a porta su Raiuno ha riportato la stessa notizia falsa intorno al minuto 46: “268… tra i…. in terapia intensiva… 268 persone hanno meno di 19 anni e 68 meno di tre anni.” Ha usato il tempo presente, dando a intendere che ci siano ora 268 persone sotto i 19 anni in terapia intensiva.
Sì lo ha detto.
— antican (@antican) January 12, 2022
Ringrazio @antican e twittatore per l’aiuto nel reperimento delle fonti.
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